Dea® Massages

dea massage (that means 'the Massage of Goddess'), DEA ADVANCED and specific for Pregnant, Dea+ (that means 'plus') with wooden elements (for a more intensive Draining and Shaping treatment), DEA+ KALÈ (the new Dea massage, with wooden elements and graduated compression stockings, presented in the Italian Congress of Aesthetics applied 2017 - the Esthetiworld by Cosmoprof event), Dea Holoperceptive (gestalt massage), Dea Gestalt Stone (with hot stones), Dea Drainergy. Clic on the image below to enter in the English page of Dea Massages.



Some training Courses of Dea Massages can be available,

on request, in English language and in your country too.

Clic on the image below to know more about it



The Theory and the practice of Dea® Massages were presented and

 demonstrated in the most important Italian and International events.

The basic principles of these techniques have been the

subject of Editorial and Scientific publishing too.

Clic on the image below to know more about it




Mr. Diego Zago is a teacher of the 'World Spa Organization',  'Apulia Università del Benessere' and 'IAL Toscana Innovazione Apprendimento e Lavoro', and he contributes to the growth in value of Manual Massage finalizing the creative intuition, and the basic scientific training, towards the creation and propagation of his innovative techniques of Dea massage devoted to the Female Wellness and Beauty.




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Il meglio su benessere, cure e rimedi naturali, erboristeria, alimentazione, massaggi, yoga



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'Massaggio Dea' is a registered trademark according to law